All experiments involving humans and animals should obtain appropriate ethics approval, and declare it in the chapter, if relevant.
Human ethics: Codon Publications considers WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects as the authoritative source, however, national and institutional variations are possible. All experiments involving human subjects or human-related materials should obtain relevant ethics approval in accordance with national and institutional guidelines. This should be clearly stated in the manuscript, if relevant. If deemed necessary, Codon Publications deserves the right to contact the authors’ institution for verification.
Informed consent: Where relevant, informed consent should be obtained from human subjects using the form approved by the institutional ethics committee prior to commencing any work. This should be clearly stated in the manuscript. If deemed necessary, Codon Publications reserves the right to contact the authors’ institution for verification.
Animal ethics: All experiments involving animals should obtain relevant ethics approval in accordance with national and institutional guidelines prior to commencing any animal work. This should be clearly stated in the manuscript. If deemed necessary, Codon Publications reserves the right to contact the authors’ institution for verification.